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Home Forums Computer Architecture How to write conclusions for a dissertation

How to write conclusions for a dissertation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  glenjohn 6 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Conclusions (Coclusions) represent the most important component of the entire scientific work. The conclusions should not be in the form of a brief description of each section. They should be written as a summary of each piece of research that has been done.

    What are the main conclusions of your thesis? What would be your own recommendations for improving the management structure, improving today’s research methods and technologies?

    The points to be made in the defense

    In order to successfully complete your dissertation and just as successfully defend it, it is important to make the section with the statements as informative as possible. It is to it that the Attestation Commission’s attention will be riveted. The results of the research work are designed as separate theses (no more than 5-6 for the defense). In addition, the section contains all the terminology proposed by the candidate, and brings to the readers and listeners the information about the contribution to science. Work on the position continues for the entire period allotted for the dissertation. The section may change depending on the progress of the experimental work.




    Punctuation Checker’s Poetry Checker is a specialized tool designed for poets and creative writers. It aids in punctuating poetry correctly, which is essential for conveying the intended rhythm, pause, and emphasis in poetic compositions. This tool helps poets maintain the integrity of their poetic form while adhering to punctuation norms. published here

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by  MirandaJonas.


    The “Most Useful Guide to Fragment Sentence Check” on the Sentence Structure website offers comprehensive directions for identifying and repairing sentence fragments. Writing might become less clear and understandable when sentences are broken apart. This book will be highly beneficial to professionals and students alike in producing well-constructed and cohesive sentences. https://www.sentencestructure.org/the-most-useful-guide-to-fragment-sentence-check/

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